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Content Marketing

Content Strategy Development

Market Research and Analysis

We start content planning by thoroughly examining your market trends, competitors, and target audience. Advanced monitoring tools uncover the latest trends, opportunities, and customer insights to inform high-performing strategies. By understanding the market dynamics and audience nuances, we develop resonant messaging and content formats that engage, convert, and keep you competitive.

Content Planning and Calendar Creation

Strategic content relies on consistent planning and publishing. We map out an editorial calendar aligned with your overarching goals, highlighting major initiatives, product launches, promotions, and seasonal topics worth spotlighting. This organized approach to owned, earned, and paid content across multiple platforms ensures your message stays timely and relevant all year long.

Audience Segmentation and Targeting

Not all content resonates the same with every customer. We dig deeper by analyzing demographic, behavioral, and interest data to identify key subgroups within your audience. Tailoring content to the unique needs and preferences of each segment makes your messaging more relevant and higher-converting. Personalized content that speaks specifically to different customer groups helps strengthen long-term engagement and loyalty.

Content marketing is a commitment , not a campaign!

Content Goals and Objectives Setting

Effective content starts with a clear direction — where do we want to go and what do we want to achieve? We guide you in defining specific, measurable goals that align with your overarching marketing objectives. Setting tangible metrics around brand awareness, lead generation, and sales targets focuses the creative process on tangible business growth. Ongoing optimization then tracks how each piece moves the metrics in the right direction.

Performance Metrics and KPI Establishment

We tie your content strategy directly to key business metrics — establishing key indicators of engagement levels, lead quality/volume, audience growth, and ROI. Continually monitoring these KPIs provides tangible insights into how your owned, earned, and paid content stacks up against expectations. We refine approaches in real-time to ensure your brand content delivers maximum impact and value in driving growth.

Reasons to Choose Content Marketing

Here's the Secret Sauce:-

Become a Thought Leader: Establish yourself as an industry expert by constantly delivering intelligible material.

Boost Organic Traffic: Bring interested consumers with the help of search engines with search engine-optimized materials.

Build Trust and Relationships: Everything content acts to build high levels of engagement, creating strong and loyal fans.

Drive Lead Generation and Sales: Users are typically more willing to convert from prospects to customers when they finally act on behalf of your business.

Are you ready to take over the Digital Jungle?

With content marketing at our company's core, PlanD Media is dedicated to helping you define that success. Stay away from the online pole and immerse yourself in the digital voice. Call us now and let PlanD Media make you the content that makes heads turn, inspires confidence, and delivers accurate results.








Our Proven Process for Lead Generation Success !

Research & Audit

Initial research and tools using experts and world-class tools to gather the initial data for planning.


Quarterly strategy planning highlighting the current issues, solutions, and objectives. Proven roadmap creation and processes that work every time!

UI/UX Upgrade

Fine-tuning the web assets – website, landing page, social profiles, apps, and tracking for better conversion rates.

Optimize and Scale

Goals and strategy defined. Now it’s time to start campaigns that will knock your competitors out of the park!

Our Premium Tools

Hundreds of satisfied customers are already getting more buyers and earn much more

Full cycle of SEO optimization that raises site to the TOP

Blog Post and Article Writing

Our writing team creates in-depth blog articles and educational content tailored to inform and engage your audience. Each post starts with extensive research into topics and questions we know your customers care about. We then develop insightful, reader-focused content reflecting your thought leadership and industry expertise. Strategic optimization and promotion encourage shares, links, and discussions to grow your influence.

Infographic and Visual Content Design

Beyond text, we create compelling visual content formats to simplify complex information for easy consumption and sharing. Infographics, charts, and interactive modules present data and messaging in aesthetically vivid styles optimized for comprehension and recall. These eye-catching assets not only differentiate but also make concepts more memorable and sharable across channels — bringing more visibility to your brand.

E-book and Whitepaper

In-depth e-books and whitepapers establish thought leadership by providing valuable insights into topics your customers care about. Our research process uncovers relevant issues and questions to address through data, interviews, and more. We then create comprehensive, reader-focused guides to educate while also positioning your brand as an authority. Optimized promotion converts readers into qualified leads.

Case Studies and Testimonial

Powerful case studies and testimonials showcase how you have delivered transformative solutions to customers. We spotlight real-world examples of challenges you have solved for clients, quantifying tangible improvements and outcomes. First-hand stories from satisfied customers also lend credibility while building trust. Compelling proof of past performance and impact inspires confidence in potential customers.

Social Media Marketing and Management

We amplify your content across top social platforms where your audience is already active daily. Tailored posting strategies backed by engagement best practices help our updates stand out in feeds. We also monitor responses and interact directly with followers to foster an ongoing two-way dialogue. This community growth and management across your brand's social presence increases visibility as well as site traffic.

Email Marketing Campaigns

Email subscribers represent an invested audience for distributing your latest content directly into inboxes. We create campaign messages and value-focused content that compels opens and clicks for each subscriber segment. Advanced personalization, segmentation, and testing continually refine campaigns for the highest delivery, open, and conversion rates possible — cementing email as a channel for consistent engagement.

PPC and Paid Ad Strategies

Paid advertising lets us promote your content to highly targeted prospect groups across Google, social media, and publisher sites. We identify relevant audiences by attributes like keywords, interests, roles, and more to connect your message with those most likely to convert. These personalized ads then efficiently drive visitors to your content offers, lowering acquisition costs while generating more leads.

Syndication and Content Partnerships

We actively build partnerships with reputable publishers and platforms to expand your content’s visibility beyond owned channels alone. Syndicating posts or collaborating on co-created assets with industry leaders helps showcase your brand alongside trusted voices. This borrowed credibility and expanded reach through an amplified network effect enhances influence and authority for your content marketing program.

Influencer and Affiliate Collaborations

Dedicated influencers and affiliates act as force multipliers for content promotion. We identify relevant voices in your niche with engaged follower bases to collaborate on content co-creation and promotions. This allows your assets to resonate with niche micro-audiences through voices they already know and trust. Strategic influencer alignments boost the impact and credibility of your owned content, driving more organic discovery.

Keyword Research and SEO Integration

Our content starts with in-depth keyword research to uncover terms and questions that drive relevant organic traffic to your site. We seamlessly integrate these keywords into post topics, headlines, body content, and metadata. This optimizes each new asset for search visibility out the gate without compromising readability. The compounding effect is exponential growth in value-driving visitors from organic search over time.

Content Refresh and Update Strategies

We continually review and refresh existing content to maintain relevance as trends and algorithms evolve. Monitoring performance metrics helps identify outdated assets to overhaul with new statistics, examples, and research that re-engages visitors. Adding this layer of maintenance keeps content ranking high in searches and delivering value to returning visitors.

On-Page SEO Tactics for Content

Our content incorporates core on-page SEO best practices to amplify organic visibility — optimizing title tags, metadata descriptions, alt text, internal linking, media formats, header tags, and more. Together these elements improve crawlability while signaling topical relevance to search engines. On-page optimization compounds the organic reach and search visibility for each new content asset over time.

Link Building through Content

Compelling content also fuels our outreach campaigns to earn backlinks from industry websites. We identify relevant sites and influencers to pitch your content to, securing links and references that expand domain authority. High-quality content that educates peers naturally attracts links, driving more organic discovery and customers.

SEO Audits and Content Adjustments

We routinely audit content performance to spot gaps and opportunities - reviewing visitor behavior signals, rankings, link profiles, and more. This assessment informs content updates ranging from better keyword targeting to structure and design changes that boost engagement. Continual optimization is key for maintaining top-tier visibility even as algorithms and interests evolve.

Analytics Setup and Integration

We implement advanced analytics across your digital properties to monitor the reach and engagement achieved by each content asset. Integrating platforms provides a holistic view of performance spanning website traffic, social metrics, email campaign results, and more. This unified data empowers informed decisions to amplify content that resonates while improving underperforming areas.

Content Performance Monitoring

Ongoing monitoring provides important signals on how visitors interact with your content over time. We track critical engagement metrics across formats and segments - from blog post shares and video watch time to ebook downloads. Identifying high-visibility content informs better resource allocation, while low performers may need refreshed approaches.

Reporting and Insights

Our analytics reporting synthesizes performance data into actionable insights around content enhancement opportunities. We highlight your most effective topics, formats, and distribution channels — while calling out areas in need of improvement. These strategic insights help continually refine your editorial calendar and promotion tactics to boost content visibility, traffic, and conversions.

A/B Testing

We employ advanced A/B testing to experiment with different content variations to determine what resonates best. Iterating on elements like headlines, images, calls to action, and more reveals the optimal combinations for each asset to capture attention, encourage engagement, and convert visitors. This data-driven optimization compounds results over time.

ROI Analysis and Optimization

Monitoring content costs vs. business value delivered enables continual optimization of your content investments. We quantify engagement rates, lead quality, and revenue attributable to owned, earned, and paid content activities. These ROI analytics help shift budgets to the highest-performing initiatives while cutting inefficient areas. Optimized spending achieves better results at lower costs.

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Plan D Case Studies

The opinion of our clients is very important to us. Our team is constantly making efforts to improve the quality of our services. Join us!

SRMB Steel
Industry – Manufacturing ; HQ - Kolkata

Agency Scope - Audit, Strategy , Performance Marketing , SEO and Automation

Link building

Centurion University  
Industry – Education ; HQ - Bhubaneswar

Agency Scope - Audit, Strategy , Performance Marketing , SEO and Automation

Link building

La Derma Skin & Hair Clinic  
Industry – Healthcare ; HQ - Kolkata

Agency Scope - Audit, Strategy , Performance Marketing , SEO and Automation

Link building

Featured Highlights

The opinion of our clients is very important to us. Our team is constantly making efforts to improve the quality of our services. Join us!

Everything You Need to Know: Frequently Asked Questions

How do our content marketing services boost your brand's visibility?

We amplify visibility and awareness by crafting engaging, valuable content fine-tuned for your audience and optimized to drive organic discovery across channels. More interactions with persuasive owned media place your brand front-and-center in front of your total addressable market, increasing familiarity and mindshare over time through an expanded digital presence.

What unique strategies do we use in content strategy development?

Our content planning begins with research — analyzing market trends, monitoring competitors, and profiling target reader personas through data. These insights inform our creative direction and content formats. We then storyboard content journeys to map to audience intent. Ongoing optimization and promotion align assets with SEO and conversion best practices for continual refinement and outreach.

How do we create content that engages and converts your target audience?

We focus on resonating with reader priorities and preferences through compelling narratives and value. Integrating calls-to-action, personalized messaging, and frictionless paths to conversion compels visitors to engage further. This customer-focused approach achieves both increased engagement metrics and measurable conversions and sales.

What tools and methods do we use to optimize your content for SEO?

We leverage top SEO tools and platforms to inform optimization best practices – from keyword research and integration to metadata enhancements and site architecture improvements. We also monitor ranking positions, organic traffic, and reader behavior signals to refine content. Integrated SEO amplifies visibility and findability across search channels.

How do we tailor content to enhance your brand’s voice?

Our writers first work with you to establish a core tone, style, and messaging guide that aligns with your brand identity and audience expectations. This helps shape the actual content presentation, vocabulary, and style of address to achieve consistency. The tailored voice resonates as authentic to who you are as a brand, strengthening engagement and loyalty.

Can our strategies improve your content marketing ROI?

Yes. As a leading content marketing agency in Kolkata, we optimize ROI by shifting budgets to high-performing content that converts and cuts inefficient formats. Auditing metrics like cost per lead, conversion rates, and revenue impact focuses investment into strategies with the best measurable return. Continual optimization and integration with revenue teams directly tie content expense with business value delivered.

What are the advantages of combining our services with your digital strategy?

Aligning content and digital maximizes reach and consistency across your presence. Shared messaging and campaigns boost familiarity and engagement across channels. We ensure owned, earned and paid efforts synchronize to make the most of audience attention spans. Having content marketing feed insights into digital also improves targeting and personalization.

How do we track the success of your content marketing?

Ongoing analytics provides crucial visibility into content efficiency. We monitor performance indicators like social engagement, site traffic, email clickthroughs, and conversion actions tied to each asset. Regular reporting synthesizes metrics into actionable insights to inform better topics, formats, and promotion. Data reveals what content delivers the greatest measurable impact.

Why is our approach to content distribution more effective?

As a topmost content marketing agency in Kolkata, our distribution approach is multi-channel to meet audiences where they already exist online. Targeted social promotion, email campaigns, syndication, and influencer alignments ensure your content gets maximum visibility with each distinct group. Advanced scheduling and performance tracking allow optimization of when and where we distribute around customer habits.

How do we keep up with new trends and technologies in content marketing?

Continuous education keeps our strategies ahead of disruptions. We regularly research innovations, attend conferences and workshops, and participate in pilot programs to experience emerging tactics first-hand pre-mainstream adoption. This proactive immersion into the latest technologies and platforms enables early mover advantage for your content efforts.

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What Makes Plan D Media The Most Loved Digital Marketing Agency in Kolkata ? Our Teams Are Top Notch, from The Biggest Digital Marketing Agencies, and Yet We Are 50% Less Expensive.We Have Zero Tolerance for Mediocrity and Stickler for Right Process.Highest Client Retention Rate Amongst All Digital Marketing Agencies in Kolkata. Try Us..Today!

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