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Difference Between a Dynamic and a Static Website


Online presence of any business through an official website is a crucial part of providing services, making interactions, and integral marketing strategy. Knowing which kind of website best suits your needs and your site’s functionality might influence how you create a website. A trustworthy web design company in Kolkata can provide a helping hand in building your own website to grow your business.

Usually, websites can be classified as static or dynamic. However, hybrid websites—which combine elements of both static and dynamic web pages—are becoming more prevalent. Static and dynamic refer to the methods that websites provide and display material in the context of website building. Dynamic websites are more complex and engaging than static websites because they don’t require any custom coding or databases to display varied material.

One of the first important decisions you’ll need to make if you’re constructing your website is whether to go with a static or dynamic design because it will affect how your web pages are saved and sent to users’ browsers. The cost of building websites can be high. That’s why finding a low-cost web design company in Kolkata that gives satisfactory service is really important.

In this post, we will discuss the two main types of websites and how they function.

What is a static website?

A static site is a website that uses HTML, JavaScript, or CSS code to create pages with static content. There is limited interaction with this content, which remains constant no matter who the user is or where they are. In basic use scenarios, pre-rendering the material might result in quick performance and minimal overhead because the content served is not dependent on a specific user. When the sites are straightforward, or the information doesn’t change frequently, simple static sites are an excellent solution.


  • If you want to maintain things uniform but differentiating, you can copy the basic code of your static web pages.
  • Static websites typically have more security.
  • Because static websites typically load faster, search engines find it simpler to rank them.
  • Simple software is all that is needed to create static web pages.
  • The cost of creating static websites is lower.
  • On a static website, you can alter the structure and appearance of each page.
  • Redeploying the source makes it simpler to restore a static website following a crash or DDoS attack.


  • It can be difficult and time-consuming to update static websites, especially if they are huge.
  • It can be challenging to expand a website to include new material after the core framework has been established.
  • Your website can have outdated material that makes your business or brand seem old as a result of the work required to maintain static web pages.
  • Visitors cannot be engaged with or given personalized experiences.

What is a dynamic website?

The material that is served by dynamic websites depends on the user. To deliver the most appropriate content to the user, factors like language, geography, and target audience are taken into account. Dynamic content involves serving content tailored to the user, necessitating a round trip to the database to retrieve content, load the page with it, and serve it to the user for each user request. There are frequent trade-offs, such as extraordinary performance and security, even though the user obtains the information that is very relevant to them.


  • They enable user interaction and add extra functionality to websites.
  • Utilizing dynamic websites enables you to coordinate the requests and storage of information.
  • Based on the user’s requirements, they display content.
  • By enabling connectivity to a CMS, these types of websites provide more website versatility.
  • The material can be changed by several users.
  • Compared to a static website, it is cheaper to make modifications and changes.
  • The likelihood of attracting repeat visitors and customers is higher on dynamic websites.


  • A dynamic website may cost more to operate than a static website due to tasks like laying the site’s structural foundation, establishing database connections, and adding additional functionality.
  • When it comes to displaying material on your dynamic website, style and layout restrictions may apply.

How to know which website is best for your business?

If your website merely has a few pages, a static website can be your best bet. Public information is frequently made accessible through static websites. Consider that you want to design a straightforward blog that looks beautiful and goes well with your company. The most effective solution for it would probably be a static website. If you need to create a landing page with basic information about your business or the goods and services you provide, this is another situation when you could prefer having a static website.

A dynamic website would be more suited for an eCommerce project with a continually shifting inventory. Depending on the consumers’ prior purchases from their website, you could offer recommendations. You might set up a dynamic website to send notifications whenever a consumer abandons things in their shopping cart, encouraging them to finish their order. The creation of progressive web apps (PWAs) or other applications would also be best done with a dynamic website. It can be more difficult to create a dynamic website, but it can also provide more flexibility and adaptability to your changing demands.


In conclusion, a static approach works well for a brief visit to a simple, depersonalized website. Anything more than that will necessitate the use of a dynamic website. Before choosing between a static or dynamic website design, think about the features you need the website to provide. If you want your business to grow in no time, then you must get in touch with a reliable web design company in Kolkata, such as Plan D Media. We are a low-cost web design company in Kolkata to help and guide businesses of all sizes to give you the best experience and provide an increase in sales and grow your enterprise. To find out more about our services, get in touch with us now at https://pland.co.in/pland/, and our team of experts will assist you further.


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