The best and most trusted digital marketing company in Kolkata is a company that believes in quality and custom solutions. This means they typically don’t work with more than 15 clients at a time. They also have a 100{6271e0783bd2aaaff7e385ab207ba14cb8afa1c0a6f930d25d757c961410cc10} retention rate of their clients for the last 3 years, and are always ready to give feedback on their work as a leading digital marketing agency in Kolkata. Unlike other companies, they do not believe in vanity metrics, such as traffic increase and likes. Their reports clearly show the increase in leads and sales from the digital marketing efforts they put forth month after month.The company has the most affordable and 360-degree digital marketing services, leading in SEO, analytics, PPC, social media, content marketing, and video marketing. They have served brands across industries and offer customized solutions to product categories.