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Make Conversion Easy: Some Exclusive Call-to-Action Ideas


It’s good that you have a creative and sophisticated website with user-friendly functions and a charming interface. It helps if you publish engaging content and send attractive emails to your targeted audience. Catchy social media ads can add extra benefits for sure. But are you ensuring that all your potential customers convert with that click? If your answer is no. You should level up the game with call-to-action ideas. CTA, also known as the call to action, is an online marketing tool that depends on a direct question.

CTA is a critical element of digital marketing campaigns. A recent survey done by the Baymard Institute shows that every one out of six potential customers went on to fill their cart and proceeded to the checkout but clicked away because of a complicated or long process.

They opted out because the process wasn’t simple enough to let them go to the final step. As a result, you lose the sale.

That’s why CTA or call to action introduces a straightforward manner. Add a linked text, a button, or any other path for easy direction in your online marketing, and watch the numbers of conversions add up to the scale. Although this way of increasing sales looks easy, it is more complex than that. Here are some strategies you can follow!

What is a call to action?

A call to action is designed to encourage customers to do specific actions that start, continue and complete the customer journey. We have elaborated on such call-to-action examples for you.

Call to Action Button

A call to action button is usually bright, colorful, and eye-catching and features an inviting message such as “sign up for free”, “free subscription”, “add to cart”, “buy now” and such. The button could resemble a real button with attractive colors, or the web designer can craft it with some creative shape. The main purpose is to get the attention of the customers and get clicked.

Catchy Text Hyperlinks

Text hyperlinks are usually used in product descriptions, blogs, and articles and lead the viewers to a connected website page. To differentiate the texts in the blogs you will usually see them underlined and brightly colored. In digital content marketing, using such links is a common way to invite a call to action.

Call to Action in Plain Text

Although buttons and hyperlinks help customers reach the next level in purchasing or ordering. Effective plain text invitations to visit a store or ask to make a call can do the work too. In that case, you have to present yourself in a reliable manner while putting forward your hearty call to action.

Any type of call to action is a way of pushing your potential customers a step closer in the sales process and statistics say it does work most of the time. Call to action is a direct way of virtual communication with your customers and it does help in building a strong relationship between your brand and target audience.

The psychology and benefits of call to action

A call to action can work in your favour or mess things up. The result depends on how you design, plan and execute your call-to-action ideas. If you fill your page with too many buttons and options, that can often lead to confusion for the buyers. Because the more options you have, the more overwhelmed the visitor is. So, instead of having those extra buttons, place a button or two that directly addresses the needs of the customer.

For example, if a buyer is visiting an online shopping website to buy shirts, you can design a button that says “best-seller shirts” on the first shirt search result page. That’s how you take your customer to your premium collection and encourage them to buy without clicking away.

If you have a homepage where you want your website visitors to sign up and register, make sure that’s the most highlighted message on the whole page. That’s how you push your customers to take the action, this is actually a psychological trick because people may often need a push to be firm or take a decision. Although you have to be gentle and subtle in your message and suggestion because that’s how it works.

Apart from that, while planning or crafting your call to action, don’t forget to closely follow the requirements and needs of your ideal buyer persona and make sure that you directly address their pain points.

Use these amazing tips to write a good call to action

  1. Make sure to match your brand’s tone while writing the call to action. Be serious, funny, or stodgy, depending on your brand’s image. A strong understanding of the target audience can help you with that.
  2. Write an unambiguous text with a clear message to help your customers.
  3. Make the call-to-action easy to spot for the visitors to the website. Place it on the top or middle of the webpage or show it in an attractive pop-up with bright colors and big font.
  4. Don’t make the mistake of including too many options. It confuses the customers.
  5. Simple process for checking out orders and making online purchases encourages consumers to make the deal. Keep order and purchasing forms crisp and short so that it takes minimal time for the customers.
  6. Take the assistance of an experienced mobile app marketing agency for mobile optimization. So that you are sure about the working status of your links and buttons on every device, whether mobile or PC.
  7. Create a path for your customers to their interests. Suggest product or service pages of links that they may like or need.
  8. In order to know the functionality of your call-to-action ideas, track your results and modify your call-to-action if needed.

A reliable and experienced digital marketing consultation Kolkata, we at Plan D Media are helping businesses use amazing strategies to grow the conversion rate and attract more target audiences to your platform. Plan D Media has dedicated its services to providing assistance for the launch, growth, and revamp of businesses of every size and category. So, if you are in search of guidance and expertise in digital marketing for your company contact now with us at https://pland.co.in/pland/.


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